Post by Padres GM (Scott) on Feb 2, 2019 13:46:56 GMT
Reminder to pick up your major league players on fantrax. FA starts next week and we need to know who is truly available - failure to pick up your players “could” result in losing them to FA.
Post by Padres GM (Scott) on Feb 3, 2019 20:44:24 GMT
I have went through fantrax and audited ever team and added players that were easy to add. The following is a list of teams with picks to make up OR have not added all of their picks to fantrax. They need to be added ASAP to avoid losing them.
Nationals - 47 - 1 is missing and 2 picks to make up Angels 49 - 1 is missing - Luis Tejada SS to be requested added to fantrax Astros 49 - 1 to make up Braves 49 - 1 is missing Cubs 48 - 2 missing Dbacks 49 - 1 is missing Dodgers 46 - 4 picks to make up Mets 36 - 14 missing Phillies 43 - missing 7 Rangers 45 - 5 picks to make up Rays 34 - 16 picks to make up Reds 42 - 3 missing Royals 47 - 3 missing Yankees 49 - 1 missing - Mauro Bonifacio to be requested to add to fantrax
If you have picks to make up, today is the deadline for Major League players and 2/8 is the deadline for prospects.
If you have made all your picks and still have missing players not on your fantrax roster, it is likely one of the following reasons: 1) you simply haven’t added them - please add right away 2) someone else has added your player incorrectly - let me know and I can adjust that 3) someone else has added the player because they picked them before you and it never got called out - if this is the case then go to the round you made the error and declare such and make a repick - up until 2/8 only 4) you are misspelling the player and it’s not coming up in fantrax - figure it out! 5) fantrax does not list the player - post the player name, position, and team in the missing from fantrax thread 6) the player was never eligible to begin with - see remedy 3
Post by Padres GM (Scott) on Feb 9, 2019 20:07:18 GMT
The Rangers have till tomorrow to complete their draft rounds 46 47 48 49 50
The below teams have 1 or more players they still need to pick up on fantrax Braves 49 - 1 is missing Dbacks 49 - 1 is missing Dodgers 49 - 1 is missing Rays 49 - 1 missing Reds 48 - 2 missing